Temps de lecture : 4 min. Le Parisien le 22.01.2013 Ils parviennent enfin à prononcer le mot « secte », à retrouver un semblant de relations sociales, à goûter aux…
Temps de lecture : 2 min.The Christian Post March 6, 2013 – StoyanZaimov U.N. human rights officials condemned a recent surge of violence against Albinos in Tanzania in connection with…
Temps de lecture : 3 min. Fox NewsMarch 11, 2013 Lisa Daftari http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/03/11/iran-puts-five-christians-on-trial-for-their-faith/ Five Iranian Christian converts who were detained late last year will reportedly begin trial in Iran’s Revolutionary…
Temps de lecture : 2 min. The MainichiFebruary 28, 2013 Buddhism sect assembly dissolved following financial turmoil Koya, Wakayama (Japan) — The supreme decision-making body of the KoyasanShingon sect of…
Temps de lecture : 2 min. The Times of India PTI Mar 9, 2013, 04.14PM IST WASHINGTON: A civil lawsuit has been filed against a school district in California seeking…
Temps de lecture : 3 min. Fox News Associated PressMarch 8, 2013 2 men jailed in Zimbabwe for practicing Satanism seek freedom Harare, Zimbabwe – Two Congolese nationals who claim…
Temps de lecture : 2 min. Reuters February 25, 2013 U.N. told atheists face discrimination around globeRobert Evans Atheists, humanists and freethinkers face widespread discrimination around the world with expression…
Temps de lecture : 3 min. Africa ReviewSource : http://www.africareview.com/News/More-details-emerge-of-bizarre-Cameroon-sect/-/979180/1719986/-/8wlkrfz/-/index.html Cameroon: more details emerge on ‘Holy Salam’ cultBy YUH TIMCHIA in Yaoundé | Thursday, March 14 2013 at 13:13 The…
Temps de lecture : < 1 min. RAPSIFebruary 25, 2013 Religious sect of forced hermits banned for extremism in Tatarstan Moscow – RAPSI. A Tatarstan court has recognized a local…
Temps de lecture : 6 min. Secret Doctrines – United Lodge of Theosophists The Paris Review November 14, 2012 | by Ezra Glinter Theosophy Hall of the United Lodge of…